Sunday, September 8, 2013

Something New! (BTS of Sight Club Photo Exhibit)

Oh yeah, I forgot to include this one on my previous post--which is only minutes ago. I documented our last night of preparation for the exhibit because I want to try how to make film out of video clips. I actually don't do this film thing because I usually photograph. So I just wanna say sorry to those who will watch this and  might feel a little dizzy afterwards because of the shakes. I promised, I will work to that!

NEU Cam Club A.K.A. Sight Club

I was super busy last week because of the photo exhibit that the Sight Club had prepared. We covered a lot of  school events, photo shoot almost all the organizations at school and took photos of us in between shoot and free time. So, until today, there is an overflow of photos on Facebook. This is my new found "family" that I've been talking about on my last post. The photo exhibit will last for 3 weeks and you can see it on the 3rd floor lobby of New Era University-QC.

 MATRIX! hahaha

 The picture on the lower left corner was mine!

Know what? We went out to school in these cute things.
 The result? everyone who sees us stares a lot! I feel a little embarrassed though, especially when someone I knew greets me. lol

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Don't break a heart

dear future,

this past few days i felt the kind of feeling that i was missing last week.
and it was the bond and joy with my new friends and a good relationship with myself.
i wish the saying "there is sadness after happiness" is not true.
because i am sure that i don't want this happiness to end.
sure, there should be troubles and trials in life
but, please don't let that be tragic or something that will take away the smile.
it will break a heart.