Monday, October 28, 2013

Can I have your number?

Last Wednesday I had an alone trip to Cavite to do a shoot. I was so confident on my way commuting because I've been there before, until I forgot the place of the van/bus terminal I had been. But I don't feel any nervousness within me because I know I still can go, I just have to ask/call people and follow directions. I hate that I ask two different persons who gave me two different directions! I don't know who shall I believe in. However, after an hour and half of commuting from city to a province, I got to see my friend, Khryztal. Tomorrow, legal duties are coming on her way because she is finally going to be an 18 year old babe.
Happy Birthday Khryzzy, stay beautiful inside out! :)

1 comment:

  1. you look pretty. Nice pics as well.

